Wednesday, August 1, 2012

You like it, I hate it

I am a first time blogger, but a full time thinker. If you've thought about it, so have I and a hundred more times then you have. I've been struggling for a while now as to what I want to blog about. How can I define myself through words on a screen?

So the first thing that came to my mind was about my all around view of people and things. I figure if I want people to get a sense of me and the way that I think, then the best thing to do is give background. I will try to be as transparent as possible (give a little bit of vulnerability as well). This will in no way shape or form be some kind of journal, chronicling my life and the things that have happened. This blog will more so be an outlet for my views, and the different situations that I encounter in life.

With that being said here is a tid bit about me. I am an over thinker. Some may wonder as to how one over thinks, but it is quite simple. You think about something and you keep thinking about it until you almost live it in your mind, you obsess about it, dream about it. Yeah that's me! The other day I had a disagreement with my boyfriend. Was it a big deal......HELL NO! But did I make a big deal out it.....damn right I did. Why? Because I wouldn't be me if I didn't. That is pretty much how most of my adult life is. I challenge people, and not always in the most positive of ways. I have a tendency to view people in a way they often don't view themselves. Therefore, clashes with me and certain people's personality is imminent. So far I think too much, and I'm an asshole......let me see what else I can throw in...........

I try very hard in the public eye to be very understanding, very accomodating, and very easy-going. In my years of growing up, I have learned that these traits get you very far in social and work-related settings. Now in my personal life, I have zero-tolerance for the dumb shit. I cannot stand people who put themselves in situations, and then act helpless to do anything about it. I am very judgmental and very VERY sensitive. I take offense very easily to things, and this comes from childhood (however I'm not going to get into all that).

I am a gay man, if you have no guessed by my picture (and the fact that I stated that I have a boyfriend). And this pretty much gives me one of the more unique outlooks on life. I am a black gay male (double minority) so I feel as though growing up in these two very different worlds gives me a more open mind.

Stereotypically most of my friends are females and gay men. I do have heterosexual friends that are men, but my relationships with them are no as evolved as the other friendships I have.

So I stated to my friend (who put me on to blogging) that the first thing I wanted to address in this blog is the ongoing battle between straight women and gay men. But since I have written so much already, I will save this for my next blog which will be coming shortly after this. Hope you enjoyed, and see ya next time

~Stanz A. Lone

1 comment:

  1. You are not an
    Love the intro to your world of writing, looking forward to read more
